
Case update: Settlement offer to the other party

Claimingof a commission from a brokerage transaction in Austria


At the first witness hearing by the Graz Regional Court on January 26, the managing director of the party concerned was questioned in detail, while the managing director of the other party called in sick. This and other witnesses are now to be heard on July 12 - almost six months later.

In order to possibly end the case more quickly and limit further negotiation costs, the affected party has submitted a settlement offer of € 105,000 to the other party via its lawyers.

If a settlement of this amount is reached, sponsors will benefit from AEQUIFIN sponsor protection. The AEQUIFIN quota would then be 46 percent instead of 30 percent.

Read the detailed minutes of the first day of the hearing and the settlement offer to the opposing party in the Case Concept data room. Here is the link:ür%20Sponsoren

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